"THE MODESTY mesmerizes but ARROGANCE exasperates"

Arrogance is like the self made heaven without God himself .We actually dress up our INSECURITIES and WEAKNESSES into the EGO and ARROGANCE .

But do they actually gives us any permanent solution? Do they really console us about our superiority ?

No! Definitely not. Though they may give an instant relief but in reality they takes us far away from the live life. 

Ego captivates us and gradually spoils our simplicity and bonding with all the surrounding living being. 

Excessive use of salt grades down the best dish . Samely the excessive use of EGO brings down the ideal personality. 

So , earn PRIDE but don't turn it into EGO. 

Have SELF RESPECT but not arrogance.

Be polite and simple.Use your SELF RESPECT to raise up yourself . But don't use your EGO to bring down yourself. Remember, THE MODESTY mesmerizes but ARROGANCE exasperates . 
